Prospective Parents
Campus Children's Centre accepts any child between the ages of three (3) months and six (6) years, who are in the care of an employee or student of the University of Manitoba.
If you would like to enroll your child at Campus Children's Centre, you must add them to our Online Wait List. Please ensure that you fill out the form accurately and completely. We strongly encourage parents/guardians to add their children to multiple wait lists.
Please pay close attention to the Affiliation List. All children must have a parent or guardian who is either an employee or student of the University of Manitoba. You must select your appropriate affiliation(s).
Due to the nature and length of the Wait List, it is impossible to predict how long it will take for a spot to become available for your child. There is no guarantee you will receive a space.
CCC will be opening a satellite location on the U of M Bannatyne Campus in the coming years. Please ensure you add your child's name to the correct WaitList, as our Fort Garry site and Bannatyne site have sepa

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Campus Children's Centre Bannatyne Location
Campus Children's Centre Inc is excited to announce that we will be expanding with a satellite site located at the Bannatyne Campus. Much like our current site, it will be reserved for children of Staff and Students of the University of Manitoba only, with preference given to Bannatyne affliation.
The WaitList for our Bannatyne Site is now live. Please keep in mind that it will be for infants and preschoolers and the current, tentative date for opening is 2026.
The Bannatyne Site and the Fort Garry Site have separate Waitlists, so please make sure you add your name to the correct one.