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Fizzing Colours

A baking soda and vinegar experiment is one of those classic science experiments that always fascinates children. This is a perfect experiment for days at home. They will love the colourful, fizzing and bubbling eruptions that happen when the vinegar is added. This a easy experiment that you can do with items that you already have at home!

The Set Up and First Steps

To do this you will need;

  • Box of baking soda

  • Small bowl of white vinegar

  • Hair dye applicator( or a medicine dropper, or spray bottle)

  • Food colouring

  • Baking sheet

The Experiment;

We started off by sprinkling baking soda all over the baking sheet. Then we shook the baking sheet back and forth to distribute the baking soda. Next, using food colouring, we squeezed drops of colour all over the baking soda. Last, but not least, for the fun part. We added the vinegar into the applicator bottle and began spraying vinegar all over the food coloring. My little girl absolutely loved watching and listening to each one bubble and fizz. Her expression was one of pure delight and amazement!

Here is a link explaining why baking soda and vinegar react the way they do when mixed.

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