KhyatiMay 5, 2020Hula Hoop Spider WebThings you need: *Hula Hoop (or a similar circle) *Masking tape or any kind you have at home *Clutter free space inside or outside to...
VanessaMay 5, 2020Scream 'Til You DropI have an outside activity that is a huge success with my daughter and I'd like to post. I learned last year, in the ECE week, and they...
KhyatiApr 28, 2020Big Foot GameA safe backyard/frontyard to play this game or side walk works too. Big cardboard box Sandals (Dollarama sells cheap ones) Glue Glue gun...
PennyApr 24, 2020Family Animal Bowling GameThis Farm Animal Bowling Game will help your kids saying their animal sounds while have physical movements. 1. Paint toilet paper tube...
LeanneApr 22, 2020Alphabet WalkWell, it's Earth Day and Spring has arrived in Manitoba. Yes, some days that might mean snow or rain, but the seasons are definitely...
KhyatiApr 20, 2020Homemade Ring TossTo make a ring toss game of your own, you’ll need: Paper plates Cardboard tubes Paint Scissors Paint brushes Glue Rocks to weigh it down...
JamesApr 14, 2020Red Light Green LightChildren love to play movement games. Red Light Green Light is one of those games! Before you begin, you and your child can make a stop,...
TamaraApr 9, 2020Fitness FunHere’s a fun way to keep active and it is great as a family [if gte vml 1]><v:shapetype id="_x0000_t75" coordsize="21600,21600"...
HelenApr 8, 2020Tape GameHere’s an easy indoor activity that is good for you to work on your gross motor skills like jumping. It can also make your children...
JamesApr 6, 2020DIY Ring TossHere is a game where your child can practice their creative and hand eye coordination skills. DIY Ring Toss! With your child first...